Environment variables UI

Environment variables are usually used to define credentials, e.g.: API keys for third-party API usage in your Wappler app

These environment variables may differ between Development and Production targets, e.g.: Sandbox API key for development, Production API key for production

I propose the creation of a UI where you can add environment variables to be expected by your app, as well as their associated values (for the current target). I’m imagining a rectangular dialog similar to the API Action dialog, where you’d have a grid control with the environment keys you want to define in left side, and the respective values on the right side.

Two files would be created:





The file .env (at the root folder relative to the project) would be .gitignore’d. I know the .env file would probably be stored inside .wappler for each different target, I also recommend Git ignoring those .env files. The file example.env would serve as a base for the .env - it’s meant to be shared on Git so developers can know which keys to fill, and Wappler GUI would read this file to pre-populate the dialog. Server-side, steps would be needed to ensure a .env file with keys with empty values would not override already-defined environment variables

I also propose the DB connection dialog to allow picking ENV keys from this example.env file. Take special attention to the Port field, as it only accepts numeric values - not strings (you’d need to change that to be able to accept a $_ENV)

Topic open for discussion. As a discussion suggestion, I suggest discussing (pun intended) where we could insert the button to actually open this environment variable editor dialog. Maybe in the left-handed sidebar of Wappler?

This is a great idea that could save a lot of time and effort.

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You should probably create separate feature requests for different types.
Otherwise this request will be closed when any one of the different request gets fulfilled… and others will be left in limbo.

Environment Variables are now available in Wappler 4.9.0 UI: