Email-will not be send

Hello @Teodor,

Me, again :sweat_smile:

I still struggling to make work my contact form gmail sent.

If I set Port 587 and NON SSL, my form gets reset, I got a status code = 200 with out errors but I dont receive email

If I set port 465 and SSL as per you commented

It takes around 2 minute to returns status code = 200, form does not reset and if I double click myserveraction.php file within developer tools

I got this screen with a bunch of fatal errors and uncaught exceptions

Any clue on how to pass this new challenge?

What are you using for a mail server?

Hi @brad

I am using gmail. Actually I use gmail for all my developments. Our corporate email account is hosted in gmail and so on-

I have tried both recommended configurations:

Port 465 with SSL and Port 587 with out SSL with out success

This works for me with gmail: ssl:// and port 465, SSL option UNchecked.