Wappler 6 Beta 13 | NodeJS | Windows | Beta Channel
This issue potentially breaks sites, needs asap attention of the Wappler team.
Exists issues when a Server Connect inside a second Content Page with active “Live Refresh with Sockets” doesn’t execute Dynamic Events of Success. e.g.
CASE 1: Server Connect (autoload, Live Refresh with Sockets) in initial load of page, or after manually Refresh the page (F5, etc):
If add a simple Dynamic Events to the same server connect to a Success event, then choose to update a var or text input with whatever string or number.
Expected result:
After Successfull load the Server Connect it should update the var or text input with the setValue.
Current result:
Variable or text input get updated correctly, perfect!.
Remember this is only on first load or on every full Refresh.
This works in Beta and Stable Channel with or without “Live Refres with Socket”
CASE 2: Server Connect (autoload, Live Refresh with Sockets) in second content page, or after click on any route with partial refresh (internal):
If add a simple Dynamic Events to the same server connect to a Success event, then choose to update a var or text input with whatever string or number.
Expected result:
After Successfull load the Server Connect it should update the var or text input with the setValue.
Current result:
Variable or text input do not get updated and any condition based on this stop working because not value is set after Success event.
- If “Live Refresh with Sockets” is disabled it works normally despite if page is full or parcial refresh.
- Chaning Server Connect Dynamic Event to “Done” instead of “Success” the variable or text input get updated correctly not matter if is in first load or second content page, it works as if where in “Case 1”
Finally I would like to know the time when every of this events trigger, I mean, why now works with Done and not Success, which one trigger first in code?.
New discover:
- When make a full refresh of page the Server Connect (autoload, Live Refresh with Sockets) show up in “XHR” and not in “WS” in browser developer tools.
- When make a partial refresh on any link to show a new content page the Server Connect now show up in “WS” and here is when Success events stop working.