Dynamic Dropdowns suddenly returning "undefined"

I have a dynamic dropdown the gets it’s values from a dataview. It had been working without error, suddenly I am getting “undefined” as the displayed result.


<dmx-data-view id="year_view" dmx-bind:data="rpt_list.data.allsubmittal.groupBy(`exp_yr`)" sortdir="desc"></dmx-data-view>

Drop down control:

<div class="col-sm-2">
    <select id="selectYear" class="form-control form-control-sm" dmx-bind:options="year_view.data" optiontext="$value[0].exp_yr" optionvalue="$value[0].exp_yr">

The code for my select menu looks as per:

Note the optiontext and optionvalue.

This may help

These seem wrong. They need to be exp_yr only, without the $value[0]. part. Seems you picked some wrong expressions.

This has been functioning correctly for quite a while, in fact it still works on my primary production computer (I’m guessing there is something that remains in the cache of that machines browser that is not present when view in an incognito window or on a machine that has not accesses this particular page before.)

Here is what I selected from the data picker:

Selecting the source:

Then selecting the text field and value field (they are the same in this instance:

Here is the results on the “cached” computer

Which is what I expect from the dataview grouped on exp_yr

I had not edited or changed the page, but I have run the updates to the site after each Wappler version updates

Ah sorry, i missed you are using the group by filter there. Let me check that.

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Please check this update: dmxAppConnect.zip (26.3 KB)

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Thank you. That resolved the issue.

so I don’t have to unzip and read code, what was the solution? was there a bug in wappler code that was fixed in that zip file? do we all need to grab that zip?

You don’t need to read the code. This is the fixed js file, which you need to place in your dmxAppConnect folder.
It will be included in the next update.

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This has been fixed in Wappler 4.9.0

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our dropdowns are not binding data from server connect…
could you please check? there is still a bug.

Double checked, With before updated dmxAppConnect.js version is working. with updated our drop downs are dead.

Below Dropdown code.
Binded to "custom database query

`<select name="file" required="" class="form-control custom-select" id="file" dmx-bind:options="SupportedDataFiles.data.GetSupportedDataFilesCustom" optiontext="'FileID-'+FileID+' '" optionvalue="FileID" readonly="true" rel="">
Select File `

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