The new wave of Docker and VPS providers has already conquered the world. You no longer have limited choice.
Now you can choose for very affordable providers like:
1. Hetzner Cloud
If you want privacy, great support, huge data traffic and absolutely low prices, choose for the German based Hetzner - giving you a full server for just €2.96 Euro ($3.30 USD) per month!
2. Linode
If you need a world coverage, with all the support and open source solutions on no vendor lock-in, still very low price, Go for Linode costs $5 USD (€ 4.49 Euro) per month for base server
3. SSDnodes
Good prices but locked on yearly rate. See SSDNodes
4. Amazon EC2
Of course the father of all cloud hosting is there as well, but you will be paying a bit more.
See Amazon EC2
A very good performance and comparison site is:
Docker Machine and Wappler
Docker Machine is the way for quickly creating online servers at supported providers. Docker already supports many providers already natively.
So creating a full provisioned server, with docker and ready for deploy can be done quickly and easy.
We will soon add support for docker machine in Wappler so server creation and deploy, will be a single click away.