Docker Hosting Thread

Can we make a thread with suggested Docker hosts? Also add pros and cons if you have any.

Ease of use whether there is a vm component to manage or just the container to upload to and manage would also be helpful.

Lastly cost, speed and value for money and how easy Wappler works with it.

Thanks in advance!


DigitalOcean is usually my go to provider although there is a bit involved with the setup. There’s a great article here.

You could run Docker on Amazon Lightsail too. TBH most providers with root/ssh access would be a great fit. Google ‘Docker Managed Hosting’ comes up with a few provides for those looking for hassle free hosting.


I forgot to mention that the setup was using CLI. They offer a one-click setup which is much simpler here.

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The new wave of Docker and VPS providers has already conquered the world. You no longer have limited choice.

Now you can choose for very affordable providers like:

1. Hetzner Cloud

If you want privacy, great support, huge data traffic and absolutely low prices, choose for the German based Hetzner - giving you a full server for just €2.96 Euro ($3.30 USD) per month!

2. Linode

If you need a world coverage, with all the support and open source solutions on no vendor lock-in, still very low price, Go for Linode costs $5 USD (€ 4.49 Euro) per month for base server

3. SSDnodes

Good prices but locked on yearly rate. See SSDNodes

4. Amazon EC2

Of course the father of all cloud hosting is there as well, but you will be paying a bit more.
See Amazon EC2

A very good performance and comparison site is:

Docker Machine and Wappler

Docker Machine is the way for quickly creating online servers at supported providers. Docker already supports many providers already natively.

So creating a full provisioned server, with docker and ready for deploy can be done quickly and easy.

We will soon add support for docker machine in Wappler so server creation and deploy, will be a single click away.


We have a Hetzner data centre in South Africa! Will see what they offer - thanks for the detailed post @George.

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Hi George,

I was about to test deploying to my Hetzner server. However as I try to add a Deployment to Hetzner I can see that there doesn’t seem to be the option for Hetzner. Is that coming?


You should still be able to deploy to any docker host. Those cloud providers just makes things a bit easier, but the concept is the same.

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Well we need to have a docker machine driver for each provider that we want to support. I think hertzner got one.

Happily with the latest homebrew installer integration, we can install that on demand.

So make a separate feature request, so that more people can vote for it and we will add it.

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Thanks @George I will do that I think its a great network to add.

Thanks @JonL I will take a look at that part now as well.

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Happy Friday All!

I’ve successfully deployed a static site using Docker to a DigitalOcean instance. I figured out how to SSH into the server and look around.

Questions and Observations:

  1. When I connected to the DO instance Ubuntu had many outstanding updates to install. Should this be automated? If no, perhaps a reminder to double check.

  2. The port to access the site changes each time I deploy. I’m used to having NGINX that port forwards and keeping the docker container ports private. How is this supposed to be managed? I would expect to connect to 80 / 443.

  3. I installed Traefik in an attempt to get a LetsEncrypt cert going. It’s not clear how this should work. I would expect to create a DNS entry to the new IP and then use certbot to generate a LetsEncrypt certificate (and auto install into my NGINX config). What should I do?