Dmxdomid is shown


Same problem happens now.

I can see dmxdomid in all tags now.

Does this happen after upgrading to 2.4.0?
Were any files left open in Wappler during the update, and does this happen to them only? OR does this happen to files which were closed and you open them now in the new version?
If you have not saved the file, please close it and reopen it without saving.

This happened after upgrading to 2.4.0 and while upgrading some files were open.

Ok got it, I close files and restart Wappler just in cases.

So this only happened to the files which were left open in Wappler?
Were they left unsaved there, or were they saved during the upgrade?

Did restart without saving fis this?

This should be fixed in Wappler 2.4.1

I saved some files, so I reverted to the previous version files. then I restarted Wappler, it solved now.

Thanks, I upgrade Wappler 2.4.1 anyway.

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