DigitalOcean docker production target with cloud database bug?

I have set up 2 databases in the DO cluster 'PRISM' and 'kasa_comms'.

I have been able to create a local development setup :slight_smile:

But cannot get this production set up to work:

Tried to run test connection but it doesn't seem to execute at all, just shows a blank screen (no spinning wheel or error messages).

Docker seems to only show the local web connection in the container
getting this error message on deploy

 => => exporting layers                                                                                                                          0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:58e34dd02d537d6b0f2b3edd9345f1dd9ba24a4e764f7af477fe9dd8c546829c                                                     0.0s
 => => naming to                                                                                      0.0s
Error response from daemon: network wappler-compose_proxy not found
Error Launching Services!

Any ideas??

Are you sure that your cloud database is connected correctly?

I am also stuck on the same issue. My database did not even connect -

The settings look correct other than I don't think you need the :8080 in the web server url. I'm not sure exactly what Wappler does with that behind the scenes though and I doubt that would cause your issue.

It's hard to know what's wrong because it probably depends on how you created the droplet and added it to Wappler etc. I've found I get all sorts of errors if I don't do everything in order via Wappler start to finish.

The fastest thing will probably be to destroy the droplet and create a new one from within the project. Delete the target as well to start from scratch. If you follow this video it will work.

The Resource Manager- deploying to a production server using docker - YouTube

Yes, wappler sometimes adds the localhost port to the production URL. Really irritating!

Just remove it as PaulS suggests

Followed video can't get past this :open_mouth:

deleted everthing started again with new droplet, target now getting this error

CreateFile C:\Users\jim\OneDrive\Documents\imported_kasa_app\web_app\.wappler\targets\development\docker-compose.yml: The system cannot find the file

Don't use OneDrive / GDrive as it seems to cause these kinds of problems, at least in my experience. That's the case even if you are storing the files locally and backing up to the cloud. The errors magically disappeared when I used a local drive

Great thanks Paul...I have to admit docker scares the livin daylights out of me as I haven't a clue as to how it works. How would I reset the drive it's using?

Like this How can I change the local folder path for an existing project? - Wappler General / How To - Wappler Community

But in your case I'd suggest creating a new project from scratch. Get it working then copy over any files you created (pages etc) later.

Create a new project, connect to DO in the resource manager. Import your database clusters, create a new server and follow the steps in the video. That should work

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By the way, thanks for your time and suggestions, really appreciated.....
So created a new project on local drive. reinstalled docker in local drive got that working ok.
The local development target now working ok (with redis), but now got this error message when trying to create DO remote target with DO cloud database.

No problem. I've had quite a bit of help from this forum so I like to pay it back if I can. On this occasion, you're past the limit of my knowledge I'm afraid! Sorry

Is there a bug???
I cannot connect to a remote docker target, with or without a cloud database connection. Get this error:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'execAsyncTermShellCommand') at e (file:///C:/Users/jim/AppData/Local/Wappler/resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/w2targets.js:1:84573) at file:///C:/Users/jim/AppData/Local/Wappler/resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/w2targets.js:1:85046 at sentryWrapped (C:\Users\jim\AppData\Local\Wappler\resources\app\node_modules\@sentry\browser\cjs\helpers.js:92:17)

Docker doesn't show remote web in container

when re-opening wappler getting error on db connection:
File C:\Users\jim\AppData\Local\Wappler\resources\app\Shared\DMXzone\Databases\Connections\node\dmxDatabase.json does not exists!

This means that you probably don't have Traefik installed on the remote server, which might be required if you go for regular domain names instead of ip address for your web site.


The rest are different issues not really critical and related to your publishing problems. Like:

Are you running a test connection or so? Where from exactly.

Hi George thank-you for your response:
Sorted some of the issues except:

time="2024-05-22T14:53:45+01:00" level=warning msg="C:\\Users\\jim\\OneDrive\\Documents\\imported_kasa_app\\web_app\\.wappler\\targets\\production\\do
cker-compose.yml: `version` is obsolete"
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:dEijWA+Hex3jO/etdBQkdTRpr2QQ3MeMnftCe1WCM4M.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

here is the file it refers to...

I am using the latest version of Docker

You can edit the file and simply remove the first line, or ignore this error all together as it has no detrimental effect.


version: '3'

The other thing you can try is to regenerate the keys for your Project. You can do this in your Target settings.

Click Manage.

Then click the key icon.

And re-deploy.

Sorry George where is the manage button in targets?

If you have the Type (Docker Remote) set to Cloud Providers - SSH for some reason you do not see the option to Manage? Maybe this is in the Resource Manager..? We have this set to Socket. Maybe @George can explain how to navigate to the Manage dialogue in this circumstance?

It looks as though if I try changing to sockets it requires me to create a brand new droplet and doesn't load the existing one I have set up. I can't find manage the docker engine elsewhere in wappler...

This is a good one - was it a fresh created server that you haven't connected to yet?

Seems like a reply is waiting.

Was the server created with Resource Manager?

Yes I created prism-app in resource manager: