Deploy from Wappler to DigitalOcean App Platform

Continuing the discussion from DigitalOcean launches App Platform:

made changes to package.json as suggested here - but getting an error on DO:

#### Deploy Error: Non-Zero Exit Code

Your deploy failed because your container exited with a non-zero exit code.
Error code: DeployContainerExitNonZero
my-digie | 21:39:01 
my-digie | 21:39:01 > my_yigie@1.0.0 start
my-digie | 21:39:01 > ./index.js
my-digie | 21:39:01 
my-digie | 21:39:01 sh: 1: ./index.js: Permission denied
my-digie | 21:39:01 npm ERR! code 126
my-digie | 21:39:01 npm ERR! path /workspace
my-digie | 21:39:01 npm ERR! command failed
my-digie | 21:39:01 npm ERR! command sh -c ./index.js
my-digie | 21:39:01 
my-digie | 21:39:01 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
my-digie | 21:39:01 npm ERR!     /workspace/.npm/_logs/2020-12-30T16_09_01_640Z-debug.log

please help!

You haven’t committed your changes to github as described

had pushed those changes but didn’t work. retired to deploy now - it worked. thank you.