DigitalOcean launches App Platform

I tried a pure plain NodeJS project. Connected to a GitHub repo.

When you push to the GitHub repo - it gets auto deployed as digital ocean app. Very easy.
This is how the Do apps work - you just connect a GitHub repo to them and you are done!

One minor thing was that in my package.json I had to adjust the start script to be:

"scripts": {
    "test": "nyc mocha",
    "start": "node ./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js ./index.js"

Everything else worked just fine. and on each GitHub push a new build of the app is published.
Also connected a PostgreSQL database that worked nicely with the database manager.

This is the test site:

deploy does takes like 5 mins as it is doing an full npm install, docker image creation and pushing to its won repository. So it does creates a docker image but you don’t have to take care of it.