Database manager: Automatically refresh schema from database

Database manager: Automatically refresh schema from database

The schema shown on database manager might not be in sync with the actual database, causing users to create incorrect migrations (changes)

I highly recommend for the database manager to refresh the schema proactively

This is an evolution of my previous feature request:

Latest incident:

Well ideally we really would like to do this but fetching the full database schema is a very heavy operation which can take minutes depending on the number of tables.

That is why we do refresh on demand only per table to have it retrieved in the fastest way.

There is also no way to know in front which tables has been changed.

So I’m afraid we already have the most optimal way.

Ok, what about we show a warning to the user if he/she attempts to edit database schema while there are pending changes (migrations) to be run? That should stop users from mistakenly messing their migrations


This might be slightly different or maybe what you’re asking, but I don’t understand why the edits/additions to the database aren’t auto applied.

Why do I need to “Apply Database Changes”?
Is this something that could autosave?