Database connections do not show as modified in tabs

Wappler Version : 4.5.2
Operating System : mac
Server Model:
Database Type:
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

Once modified, the database connection files should display the blue dot indicating they are dirty and they should warn if attempting to close without saving.

Actual behavior

The blue dot is never shown

How to reproduce

Both of the files have been modified, but on the server workflow api shows the blue dot

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The tabs only show the current database connection and auto refresh if it is changed.
Only if the previous state was dirty - like the file was edited and was already indicated with dirty state - then it is kept like this.

So if the file was unchanged before it will be auto refreshed in the tab editor when its contents changes.

Still an issue. DB tabs do not show the blue dot when modified, and also do not prompt for save if closed when modified.

Fixed in Wappler 5.1

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