Data Binding on Wappler start

As installed Wappler 7.0.0 Beta 20, it starts always with an empty Data Binding window open...
does it happens only to me ?
(and sometimes it freeze while using Data Binding)

Using MacOS.

Please post a short video or a screenshot of what you mean? Also please restart Wappler in debug mode and recreate issue, then attach the log here.

Wappler v7b20; MacOS

I'm seeing a similar issue in v7b20. In my case, the Data Bindings window opens with a white background when checking for any project updates by clicking on the Project Updater.

Data Bindings window in the left with white background

Data Bindings window after the project updater window is closed

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Can you please:

How can I start Wappler in Debug mode, don't find the option

Exactly as happens to me

The first issue i see here is that Wappler loads with no project selected. We will wait for your debug log to see what's inside.

Following the instruction at page y ou sent me but no logs :frowning:

cannot find /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Wappler/chrome_debug.log

A post was split to a new topic: Icon picker can’t be closed without selection