Not my extension, produced by @karh via Claude AI, i agreed to publish this as an NPM on his behalf
Obviously i am not in a position to support this extension
Sorry @Apple, forgot to copy files from dev to production.
uploaded 1.0.2 with files attached.
Also made two minor adjustments to the HJSON adding missing elements.
To be honest, have not tested changes but sure they will not cause issues
I have not touched the code as this is @karh work, will only do that if he OK's it.
(I just uploaded to NPM for him.)
Change of heart as i may need this myself.
Just going to.update as i assume kahr isnt going to reply.
Should really have noticed that myself although not sure how often people would add parameter as a dynamic value but picker is available so module should handle it.
Will upload amended code as 1.0.3 in next few hours
Been on holiday! Thank you Brian, please do take it over.
Would love to take credit but it was literally a single prompt for Claude that resulted in the code.
My brain might still be left on a mountain somewhere but shouldn't it be putting the throw-error.js and .hjson files in my /server_connect/modules folder?
I deleted the ones that I made originally, did the npm install command and can see that it's added to my package.json but it's not usable yet.
for development yes, you are correct, they go in extensions/server_connect/modules folder
But if you develop multiple extension you need to separate them out before uploading as npm so the correct files are uploaded. This is the recommended technique
Using the wappler settings? No, I'm traumatized with saving project settings as it overwrites important stuff.
I'll just manually copy over the files, thanks
then you should be able to just leave the files in the extensions folder and it should work, no need to use NPM to install. Using an npm is really about sharing.
There is currently an issue with PHP extensions and Wappler doing it that way but i assume you are using node.