Great work! I’m sure many Wappler users will be very pleased with your extension.
I do have a few tips about the packaging and distribution. You can follow the package a Wappler extension guide at:
So you can add a package.json with description and right keywords and also publish your extensions as a NPM package for even easier Wappler installation.
Also it might be useful to list the used ag_grid component as dependency in your package.json and then supply a copyFiles instructions in your hjson so that files are automatically copied. Also described in the doc above. Then it will be auto updated. Or add a cdn option.
I didn’t get the time to fully test all aspects of it, AG grid has some pretty complex functionalities which can be brought into the Module.
I would call this release an alpha, a basic implementation of an AG grid table with most of its features, especially handy when it comes to reports.
$999 is just for development license. Deploying to production is another $750. Both are per app and per developer. Extremely costly - but could be worth it.
The community edition is MIT licensed and also quite feature rich though. So usable.
How do you modify the AG-Grid once it is on the page? We’ve used the community edition and normally you would add your custom changes in script tag in the page and control things like column names and such but I can’t find where you are doing that here.
In the Dynamic Attributes, I have kept an option available to define the whole ColumnDefination options in case you feel the need to define the whole ColumnDefination, besides that all other options have been made available in the UI Module itself.
Hi @KrishManohar
The on row click handler isn’t implemented yet, but have plans on implementing it soon.
Will also be adding a means to add toggle slider switches, and ability to pin column for Actions like edit/delete buttons.
Regarding the date field showing as timestamp, are you referring to formatted timestamp ex: 2022-02-01 10:12 PM, or just pure timestamp with the T and Z?