Ctrl+s ctrl+w not working in Wappler 3.7.4

ctrl+s ctrl+w not working in Wappler 3.7.4
Win 10 Pro
ASP.Net project

Tested these and they work fine. Please explain a little more detailed when do they not work exactly?

made some changes in code view, while the focus is still on code view, click on ‘ctrl+s’ - nothing happens at all.
have to save from the menu or close the tab manually (because ctrl+w also doesn’t work) and save using the pop up.

Maybe try quitting and restarting Wappler. This has been fixed in 3.7.4 and i just tested it once again - working fine on Windows.

Had already tried that. Quit wappler completely. Then opened it. Will try rebooting system.
Btw, this update was done directly via wappler update prompt. Not via uninstalling then reinstalling wappler.

I think we found the problem - was it a blank page or a very small page that you had open in Wappler when starting up?

There was a racing condition in binding global keys indeed - it happened only if app structure panel was loaded first. - Usually with very small pages.

will be solved in the next update

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it is the index page of our SPA project. 949 lines. not small file.
after new version is installed - generally first thing we do is open the index page and then make some minor change and save the page.
this way whatever new Wappler JS files are there with the new update gets applied to the project.
this is what i was doing.
this is where ctrl+s/w failed.
it fails on other pages as well - tested a few pages.

server actions are saving using ctrl+s as usual - no problems there.

i tried to save the same file in the same project in another user on Wappler 3.7.4 - it worked!

will try to uninstall and reinstall yet again on main machine to see if that fixes the issue!

Well it is a racing condition so it depends on a lot of things.

Anyway it will be solved for sure in the next update.

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Same experience. And I think some other shortcuts also occasionally don’t work, especially when the display is on code mode. Got fix by hitting mouse on design display. I’m on node.js anyway not reporting bugs because I’ve read this issue been reported before, so hopefully this will definitely being resolved in the next update.

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after reboot, its working fine for me now.

This has been fixed in Wappler 3.7.5

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