Just tested this and it works fine. How did you enter this expression -was it using the data picker?
Is the input inside the data detail or outside it?
Maybe paste the modal code here so we can see how is it set up - the expression depends on this.
Why are you using it like that? How do you send the record details in the modal then?
Your data detail region should be wrapping the data you are displaying … either put the modal isnide or put the data detail inside the modal, like:
I don’t think there is any need for placing the components inside the data detail component.
No matter where it is placed, the binding is always the complete path - datadetail1.data.field1
If the binding when inside data detail would be something like - field1 - it would make sense.
The dynamic pickers also work just fine when the data detail is placed separately on the page from where it is being used.
I think it’s fine as you stated, when used in general sense, but it appears placing in the modal allows for a real-time match as in my use case. It must make it dynamic when inside the modal. I have other data detail at the top of the page with a use case to just shows data selection and works just fine.
I am not sure I understand you correctly here. But from what I see, the binding you had placed earlier was just incomplete. Wrapping the element inside data detail does not make any difference.
Its the binding itself that was incorrect.