'Changes in used component' pop-up every time I save a file

This is a duplicate of Changes in used component pop-up every time I save a file, because it was closed.
It was said to be fixed in 6.4.0, but I can still see it in 6.4.1.
I have not tested in 6.5.3, as I haven't upgraded yet.

Please issue a fix.

Is it exactly the same case? When saving the partial file? Because that was fixed.

Maybe you can explain your new case when it happens and on what type of files.

The partials have either a layout page or content page in the HEAD comment at the top… or they don’t even have the HEAD attribute.

In case the HEAD has content-page as the value, it keeps showing this pop-up. And yes/no both don’t do anything.

When there is layout page set in the HEAD, it opens the layout page in another tab as well, similar to when we open content-pages.
When there is content page set in the HEAD, it opens the content page in another tab as well.
When there is no HEAD, nothing happens.

Fixed in Wappler 6.6.0