Capacitor Web vs IOS : accessing page data


I am hitting an inconsistency between web and IOS in capacitor (using Framework 7) where data that should be available on the page (and is in Chrome for web) is not for IOS:

This is the for web:

And this is for IOS Safari (same project & built at the same time):

It looks like none of the dmx components are being created but the F7 ones do for some reason

The only console errors I get are for missing map files

Seems you are loading some content page as F7 page and it is dependent on when the user is logged in? In the second screenshot in iOS the user is not logged in, while on the first it is logged in so different page is loaded with all the components …

It’s not that. This is the sign-in page with no conditional regions or page protection. The sc_licheck returns 401 in the first screenshot because it is not logged in. The same should be there in the second on IOS (or 200 if logged in)

Both screenshots are the same page from the same Capacitor project - IOS doesn’t register the dmx components

Well the route is empty on the web project and full on the iOS side… when there is no route the inline page will load, if there is a route then the external route page will load and not the inline.

Could you paste your page html here?

DM the code to you

Fixed in Wappler 5.4.2

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