Can't subscribe

Could you zip and send us the Wappler debug log as described in:

Done. It is filed in the “bug” area of this forum.

Awesome! Found the error! Could you please try again? Just reopen the purchase dialog - maybe restart Wappler first to be sure.

Woot woot!!! Success!!! I appreciate your patience with me, and I can’t wait to dive in!
Wappler Team = Rock Stars

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So this should now all be solved for all the people that reporting it on this topic!

Sorry for the inconvenience - if you haven’t activated. Please try again.

There was a spinner on the day of 1.0.0 release. Only tried once that day. Tried again several times yesterday and there was no spinner. There was no activity at all after clicking the Subscribe button.

Please try again with the latest v 1.0.1

Success with 1.0.1!

Thank you.

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Worked for me too.



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