Can't Set Value \n

Wappler Version : 4.5.1
Operating System : MacOS
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: N/A
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

Doing a server-side Set Value to “hello\n”


Actual behavior

‘hello\n’ is saved as ‘hello’

How to reproduce

Set Value as screenshots

Context: Generating CSV file in-memory, through a Repeat iterating a data query and doing Set Value linesGlobal = linesGlobal + $value + “\n”

From what I remember, last time I tried this, it did not work either.
Probably because the Wappler UI is reading it as new line and discarding it, instead of reading it as a string.
Don’t remember what I did though… As a solution.



Oh man, I have that same symptom! Maybe there is something to this getting old thing!

I ended up working around this by doing Set Value sep = {{’\n’}}

So, now I have a variable with the content “\n” :slight_smile:

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.6

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