Cannot add extensions into project

I cannot select and add any extensions into my project. When I click on the + to add extensions I get an error notification as screenshot I just gave. When I try to select the web root folder in the project settings it does not appear in web root folder field after selecting it. What am I missing here?

You’re most likely running into a bug. One of the most recent versions broke the extensions save button, so my guess is the web root folder is affected as well.

Hopefully @George or @Teodor can confirm.

Just follow the message as it says, you don’t have a webroot specified.

Simple PHP project files are for example placed directly in your project folder. But when using extensions you need to have a webroot - which specifies that all web files will be inside a sub folder - usually called www

So just open your project options and specify web root sub folder. All current files will be moved to there automatically.

A post was split to a new topic: Moving project web root to a sub folder doesn’t move all the folders

I have followed the notice, but it does not show the web root folder specified in the field after selecting it. It remains blank - that is why I sent you over the screenshot. All versions I have used have never shown the web root field filled out - it has always remained blank - whether it’s a stable version or a beta. Let me know what else is needed. I cannot try any extensions at all at this time thank you

So you have selected an existing sub folder, the files were moved on save but then on reopen of the options it remains empty?

Ok George so I am obviously in left field on this. I wanted to try extensions now and went thru the setup and this has been the first time I have ever been made aware of a sub-folder needed for my web root. I have always just made sure all my files are in the same folder of my site project. So I am definitely missing something here. I did now add a new subfolder (www) and selected it - it does now show in the form field and then I was able to select extensions thru the selector. So to sound terribly out of date here - is this a requirement for extension use only?

AND (thank you) I just now read better your previous reply:
Simple PHP project files are for example placed directly in your project folder. But when using extensions you need to have a webroot - which specifies that all web files will be inside a sub folder - usually called www

Where is there instruction on this so I can better understand WHY a sub-folder?

This is because extensions use a package manager to be installed and versioned and you don’t want those extra tools to be installed in your web root as they are needed only for development and the final files will be copied as needed.

So usually a lot of development tools are installed in your project folder that you only need during development and not on your live site. Tools like minifiers and compilers.

So we will be also changing the default for new Php projects to have them always in a sub folder and no longer in the root of your project.

Thank you very much George - as always you guys rock! Appreciate the explanation.

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I followed the instructions but now the site has stopped working because the files were moved to the WWW folder. Will I have to change all the file routes? What did I miss here?

Hello, is there a solution to set web root folder without automatically changing any file location?