Moving project web root to a sub folder doesn't move all the folders

Hi @George ,

There seem to be 2 issues here, George.

  1. If the project was started without creating a “www” folder initially and it was later opened as a subfolder, Wappler is asking if you want to move the existing files and folders under “www.” When we answered yes to this, I noticed that the dmxConnect and dmxConnectLib folders were not moved correctly. (The screenshot below shows the problem.)

  1. The other issue is that even after selecting the “www” folder as the root, I am still getting an error message. The error message is displayed below. I believe the problem might be that it cannot be saved after selecting “Web Root Folder” in the project options.

Project Options
I had already added the www folder here and saved it.

This problem has been around for a very long time. I seem to remember it being reported before.

Hi Serhat,

I’ve created a bug report about this, don’t recall any previous ones, maybe I missed them.

Will investigate.

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I can confirm this issue as reported here: