Can add actions to global root

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.17134
  • Wappler Version : 3.5.1

Problem description

I’m able to add items directly under the Globals root name, but nothing can be done with them, so seems like a bug:


Yes, I’m aware you just select the Globals node and add them there. :wink:

Also, side note, you’re 3.5.1 notice did not contain a note to activate experimental mode, as I was not even able to access this and was confused until I found it. I’m sure less savvy people will be even more confused.

I’m going to throw this video on top of this bug as it is similar in nature and probably the fix.

You can (attempt) to drag items from anywhere in the server panel, and attempt to drop them in the actions panel

This is a known problem - just don’t add action files to the global as it is not suppose to be allowed. We will restrict it in the next update.

You can just add global action steps when the globals node is selected.

Fixed in Wappler 3.5.2

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