Enabled debug and got this which means the module file is not included:
server-connect:app options: { key: ‘newUID’, value: ‘{{shortuuid()}}’ } +0ms
server-connect:server Got error? ReferenceError: expression is not defined
server-connect:server at primary (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:613:117)
server-connect:server at unary (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:563:16)
server-connect:server at multiplicative (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:541:20)
server-connect:server at addictive (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:531:20)
server-connect:server at bitwiseShift (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:521:20)
server-connect:server at relational (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:511:20)
server-connect:server at equality (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:501:20)
server-connect:server at bitwiseAnd (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:491:20)
server-connect:server at bitwiseXor (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:481:20)
server-connect:server at bitwiseOr (/Users/raynoppe/Documents/wappler/cocktail/lib/core/parser.js:471:20) +0ms
You are trying to create a custom module, and use it as a custom formatter.
Please read the docs again carefully.
Also, you can refer few already created custom modules for node to get a better idea.
It is clear from your previous posts and replies to people trying to help you that you came to this community to fix whatever you think it’s bad about it.
That was elitist. What about non-paying users? Do they deserve to be bullied by a nobody like me?
That is actually accurate. Saves me from having to BS people into thinking I am some sort of guru.