Building desktop apps with action scheduler to pull data from oauth2 user-agent flow api?

Still trying to figure out Wappler capabilities.

Is it possible to build an Electron desktop app that stores/uses access/refresh tokens for oauth2 user-agent flows within the Electron app?

It looks like AppAuth is the way to go.

Should be possible indeed - you just have to figure the right workflow

Thanks @George. So the action scheduler is a process that runs on the client continuously and will work in Electron apps?

Yes indeed. You can place the Action Scheduler on a page together with the core App Connect framework.

You can choose the time interval and even fully control it with stop, pause and start whenever you want.

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Will it run if the user is not on the page?

Is it possible/recommended to include this in an ā€œincludeā€ page (e.g. Header file) so itā€™s available on all pages?

Yes, the page should be running in the browser/device. Canā€™t think of a use case where you would need it to run if the content is not displayed?

I do not see any issues running the scheduler inside an include as long as your content that is being ā€˜scheduledā€™ is in the same include file.

Thanks, @brad.

The use case is this: Build a Desktop app with Electron and local storage.

There may be multiple files/tables used in the local storage. Each table would have its own page and it may get its data from a third-party API. I do not want the user to have to wait for the data to be fetched from the API on page load. I want it already stored in the local file(s)/table(s).

Ah, not sure how that would work. Probably best to wait for an answer for George or Teodor. You are getting into territory I an not as familiar with.

Browsers delay or pause JavaScript when the page is not active. So it is possible that it doesn't run when the user is not on the page. The scheduler uses requestAnimationFrame.

Thanks @patrick. It looks like thereā€™s a parameter for this ā€œbackgroundThrottlingā€.

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Nice one @kfawcett - you might want to keep track of @WappsGames using Firebase in Wappler as realtime database with Wappler's API Connector, see

Thanks @George. Iā€™m more inclined to use something like PouchDB and not get locked into Google.

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