Bug Report: Node JS AC Flow - cannot bind to parameters

OS info

  • Operating System : Mac OSX 20.1.0
  • Wappler Version : 3.6.0

Problem description

NodeJS: Cannot bind to parameters to an AC flow

Steps to reproduce

  1. I’m following the process described here to delete a row from a table and display a confirmation
  2. I’ve created my delete server side connect
  3. I’ve added a parameter to the flow but can’t access that parameter:

Hello, not sure what to look exactly in your video.
The flow should be called on some button click, then you assign the value to its parameter. Why are you trying to access the delete parameter from within the flow itself?

I’m following the steps in your solution here: Deleting Database Records with Confirmation

If you search for ‘You will see the $_GET parameter which we are using in the Server Action to pass the selected record ID. Select the dynamic data picker button:’ you will find where it’s referenced in the tutorial.

Also I did try to do it by creating a flow within the button itself, but I was getting an error that the bootbox was not found:
Screen Shot 2020-12-14 at 6.48.33 AM

Ah sorry i see what you mean.
Just test this and seems to work- i can see my param in the delete action:

What if you just enter it here? Is It working?

I am having same issue, just posted about it, while the code Teodor supplied does work in the flow editor, the problem is now on the delete button Dynamic Event, the param is not there in the Flow to link to the RecordID.

Fixed in Wappler 5.4.2

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