Bubble popped - wappler equivalent of backend workflow

Reading those messages from ex-bubblers makes me want to jump right here in bubble. Hopefully, we’ll have those supports if we ever come across some trouble building our apps.

Can we know, what a docker is? As I read the documentation, it’s like an all in one package that contains all the necessary files for the web app then host it somewhere to be live. Meaning, is the docker free?

You can see more about Docker here:

In the conclusion are even more resources too :slight_smile:

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Yes, it’s free. I wouldn’t worry too much about the technology. Just think of it as a really easy way to migrate everything required for your app in one package (i.e container) from initial local development to the system you will let all your users access it. Wappler can even help you move it through its Resource Manager.

Dear God… the speed of all that is… :slight_smile: 600k search with ms :open_mouth: that feels like a different world :smiley:

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Hi @GlobaticoLabs

that was just a meme… I don’t feel that @Notum was making a fun of myself - why would he?

Now when I look at Wappler wfs management and can compare to bubble ones I totally understand that xD

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Oh i should clarify, that was extremely small table. i havent got to large table ui yet.
but getting 300 rows from db from 600k table, see speed below (no filtering or antyhign yet so super basic)

the speed of all that is… :slight_smile: 600k search with ms

I remember that moment a week into my Wappler career as well. I never looked back.

hahahahhaha maaaaaan 600k table is crazy table for bubble xD

80 ms :joy::joy::joy:

To find results in a 1000 entries list I’d wait seconds, first page load in Bubble 6-8 seconds. Repeating group scrolling down is so slow, you couldn’t make a social app displaying posts for example because it took so long to load items

A “scheduled backend workflow” is 2 parts in Wappler: an API call + it being scheduled. The first part is ubiquitous in Wappler, and is called “Server Connect”. Assuming a NODE backend, every action taken will end up being an API call from the client front-end to your server backend: every data read, write, etc.

To make this scheduled, one has to do a bit more work and create an internal scheduler. Essentially two things: a scheduling agent and a scheduling table. To schedule an API call, you’d do what Bubble secretely does behind the scenes: insert a row into a scheduling table with an API name, the desired run date, and all input variables needed for that run. Then a 2nd job that simply runs on a loop every second reading that table (such a looping job is built in to Wappler known as a “Schedule”). If it finds a row that is now due to run, it executes a hard-wired API based on a known API name being found in the table.

Security is managed via user authentication in inserting a row into your scheduling table.

(P.S. any “schedulable” api in Wappler is actually best built as a “library” function, as it will almost always be called from within the Schedule process.)

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And what is Wappler based on? Php or Node or whatever?

Wappler allows you to choose what backend you want from a few options there is Node Js, PHP, ASP etc so this depends what you choose when you create your projects :slight_smile: