I would also like to add errors from the same category.
In Bootstrap 5, the no-gutters class was removed, g-0 is used instead of this class.
Also in Bootstrap 5, the names of paddings and margins on the left and right sides have changed. Instead of the old pl, pr, ml, mr classes, now we need to use the ps, pe, ms, me classes.
Wappler uses the old classes when switching from Bootstrap 4 to Bootstrap 5, which is why the design of the converted sites collapses. It also interferes with the design settings using the visual interface of Wappler. It’s good that there is a code and Wappler errors can be quickly corrected by yourself.
Hello, do you mean these classes are not properly set only when converting from Bootstrap 4 to Bootstrap 5? As i just tested these on a new page and the classes are properly applied?
Ok we found the issue with the gutter class and it will be fixed in todays update. The padding/margin classes, however convert from pl-* to ps-* properly now, no issued found with them.