It should be smooth to move a set of action steps to be inside an element above like an if-then.
Actual behavior
What actually happens?
It is actually quite challenging... the movement you need to make it align with being inside the if-then is quite large and irratic between different times you try it.
Also, when you move the if-then to be inside the one above, it expands, making the process quite frustrating.
if you start moving an if-then and take too long to place it in the if-then above, then it expands while being under your cursor, which is very confusing!
How to reproduce
Make a group of 10 actions steps like Set Value, several small if-thens and maybe one larger one, and a few comments.
Put an if-then above them.
Move the 10 steps to be in the same order within the if-then.
At the end do you feel like that was smooth and easy, or just a bit frustrating?
I'm trying to finish a massive project with a deadline this week and also report what I find with beta 7... please can you follow my steps to reproduce it as I don't have time to make a video right now.
I followed your steps and see nothing strange or weird. That's why i am asking you to post a video. If you have 30 seconds to report the problem, just take 10 seconds more and record a video, i doubt a minute off your project will ruin your timeline.
As a workaround, move the condition last. Since you moved the condition first, move the non-condition items above the condition, then move the condition below it.
Yes, but yours isn't a real world example where the if-then conditions you are moving have lots of statements.
You just had some simple if-then statements with one line in each that were already expanded.
if you had real world if-then statements with 5-15 action steps in each one, you would want to move them collapsed. But as my video showed, then then open and everything gets very confusing.
My video clearly shows this.
You also have to move the mouse at a certain speed to get any statement to become a child of the if-then you are moving them all into.
I am moving quite a lot of complex structures in different server actions on a daily basis, never had any issues like this.
Also what you see as a problem, i don’t see as such - opening a condition when you are trying to drop something over it. Honestly, i can’t recreate any behavior that you show even when trying to “break” the behavior on purpose.
A solution may be to set some longer time to open a collapsed item when hovering it with the dragged element so it does not cause such confusion.
I am sorry but i have to disagree here. Every tree structure with expandable elements out there, starting from your windows explorer, through apps like Figma, Illustrator and Photoshop, Webflow and all other apps which allow you to drag and drop stuff work exactly like this.
You can drag and drop stuff around, but collapsed elements just expamd when you hover the dragged element over them. That is what the users expect and that is the natural behavior of such structure trees.
Also, we can't just add hundreds of options to disable this and that to match your own specific preferences. An overload of options will make the interface cumbersome for most users, particularly those who don't need such customization.
As i mentioned above, we can maybe improve the drag over item and the time needs for it to expand @patrick
Well @teodor, we have all been asked for beta 7 feedback and ideas…
I work on one of the larger apps in the Wappler community and I’m telling you what I would find useful as a real world user!
I've just played around with moving folders in and out of folders in Windows Explorer, and nothing auto-expanded or auto-scrolled when I did it... it just felt very simple and intuitive.
I’ll be interested to hear the thoughts of @patrick !
(And as I think about all of this, I realise that if we had an edit cut feature it would really help this topic!)
Really? No auto collapse and no auto scroll? You must be joking, right
Every single tree structure out there, that allows you to drag items around works exactly the same. Every single file explorer, every app which uses a draggable tree structure does this. That is one of the default behaviors the users expect when they drag an item over a collapsed item in a tree structure.
The auto expanding and scrolling is something that is commonly used with drag and drop. The only issue I see is that it probably expands to fast on hover, it should expand only if you hover over the tree element for a long enough time (should also not be too long). The tree is a third-party component, will have to check if we can customize the timing.
Is there any way to control if something like an if-then automatically expands when it is selected?
If I delete something below a collapsed if-then, the focus goes up to the if-then and it expands... so deleting one thing causes the whole tree structure to change before my eyes and I lose track of what I was working on!