It should not do that, it seems to only happen in the serverconnect/flow editor, all other tree panels don't seem to have this issue. Also the drag and drop works better in all the other panels. We are currently investigating the issue.
Thanks @patrick!
Here is another video which shows the problem is bigger than I thought...
In this case, I drop an if-then UNDER another if-then, but the one I dropped it under expands...
And I try to drop another one under that, but it won't go under... and the one I am dropping expands and I think the one I am dropping it under expands too... and it has more statements in than the screen can show...
So I get confused and want to put it back where it was but I can't see where that is...
So I drop it off the tree in the hope it will just go back where it was...
... but that deletes it altogether!
(Thank heavens for undo...)
Here, you can take a look...
The expand on drop will be fixed in the next update, also with the expand after deleting an item.
The expand on hover when dragging will not change, it only expands when you hover long enough over the element. Will investigate if the timing of it can be configured and improved.
Thank you @patrick!
I very much doubt that
Oh no... are we heading for a "mine is bigger than yours" showdown?
Nope, dont care
Not sure why you questioned it then...