AWS S3 - downloadFile Action was not found in module s3

Wappler Version : v4.1.0
Operating System : MacOS
Server Model: ASP.NET
Database Type: MSSQL
Hosting Type: IIS

Expected behavior

In API setup, downloadFile step from AWS s3 bucket should download a file (image, pdf etc.)

Actual behavior

Downloading files step from AWS S3 bucket is not working. The error message is: Action downloadFile was not found in module s3

How to reproduce

  1. Create / Link to AWS S3 bucket under Globals
  2. Create an API action, select the s3 bucket, add Download File action step
  3. Add the key / path details for the file to download
  4. The file is not downloaded

Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 6.23.12 pm

Test the following update: (8.6 KB)

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Thanks for the updated DLLs @patrick. The files are now downloading correctly from the AWS s3 bucket :+1:t3:

After I added Put File s3 step in the API, there’s no data available in the dynamic pickers under Insert or Update API action steps.

I didn’t add any insert / update step during the testing after the Put File step, so, didn’t realise that this is not showing any fields for dynamic picker.

Please post different issues in different topics!

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.2.1