Try something that worked 2 hours ago (Before last wappler update), like login or something
Tow something into the wall!!!
Nothing works, all my database (API) connections are the same, but the only place i see any data are in database manager. I really dont want to start over and make alle my database actions and pages from start. And SEcurity manager doenst work either, and to view a page, in the browser I must first delete session storage manager on the page
UPDATE. It is getting late. The reason I dont see any data is ofcourse because security provider doesnt work, as the data supplied is filtered on userId. But I still need to get security provider fixed, And where did the database connection selector go? Are database connections no longer global?
And I keep getting this error when adding Sessenon storage manager to a page:
VM4264:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse ()
at sessionManager.js:28
at Array.reduce ()
at n.getData (sessionManager.js:26)
at n.render (sessionManager.js:22)
at n.constructor (BaseComponent.js:20)
at n (appConnect.js:505)
at n.e.hasOwnProperty.e.constructor (appConnect.js:538)
at new n (appConnect.js:505)
at n.$addChild (BaseComponent.js:213)
You see the “u” error when there is “undefined” value in a session variable.
Try checking where you set values in session variable, and then it should work fine.
You can check dev tools on browser to confirm the undefined value.
The value is set on button click, and worked yesterday, after the two last updates, nothing works. As soon as I remove sesson storage manager, my page loads. When I add it again I get the error. So it is kind of hard to pass values between pages at the moment
It’s not clear from your bug report what is not working exactly. “Security Provider is not working” or “Nothing works” is not really helpful explanation.
We need more detailed report of what you are you doing and what exactly “is not working”.
The problem was solved after I deleted all Session storage code in all pages. saved them, and then entered it again. But the problem of missing properties for session manager is still there, if I enter the code maually, then the properies page appear;
Also the problem with sexurity manger was solved deleting it and its .json files, and adding it again with the same name.
I also wonder where my database connector selectror went? Now I have to cut and paste code from an existing action file to a database connection to a new action file![database connection|223x499]
Hi Johnny, i am not sure how closely have you been following our updates and newsletters but as of Wappler 3.5.0 it is NO LONGER required to add a Database Connection step in your server actions.
And then in your server actions you just add a database query, or any other step requiring a database connection and you select the connection from the dropdown:
I allready have 15 action files using a server connection named TW6, this is saved as a linked file. I tried to give the new global connecton a different name, but it will still not save the json file or show Properies