App Structure collapses need some serious help in Wappler 5

I know there are lots of bugs to squash but I am really seeing a lot of goofiness with the way structures collapse in the app structure. Things are closing/collapsing when they shouldn’t etc. Here is a video of just a simple example. But I think this needs to really be looked at in general. This is just one tiny example. If we need more I can create more examples. It just feels haphazard the way things collapse and open.


Thanks for writing this topic @baub . I can confirm that this has also been happening to me and several times I was about to write a topic similar to this one. It’s really frustrating that when you change almost anything the whole interface is refreshed and you have to work twice as much as before. This didn’t happen in version 4 of Wappler, or at least it didn’t happen as often. It’s a real shame because it wastes a lot of time and I end up writing more code by hand when the idea of Wappler is precisely to be able to use its graphical interface. I hope you can fix it soon guys.

I confirm this problem.

Moreover, this has arisen not only in the interface of the Wappler, but also in the interface of applications that are created using it. After updating its applications with any data changes, the render restarts and resets the interface in a new way, which leads to a reset of the interface state and greatly spoils the user experience. No matter how I struggled with this problem, I couldn’t find a way out. I wrote about this here:

@Mr.Rubi the issue reported here has nothing to do with the issues you are experiencing with websockets! Please keep separate issues in separate topics.
@patrick will check the refresh issue with the app structure.

Understood. For some reason I thought that you also use App Connect inside Wappler itself, for the interface, but apparently this is not the case and you use another framework for Wappler. If it’s not a secret, which framework uses a Wappler for its interface?

To add on this, sometimes when you bind/add a value to stuff and you save it, you think that all is fine, you test something and it doesn’t work, and then you find out that it didn’t save it.

Can’t reproduce it as it happens randomly. I just had it with a variable on the page, I added a dynamic event to change the value, I saved it, but when I clicked on the actions editor it didn’t show up.

Please post different issues in separate topics!!

ElectronJS+W2UI+supporting node packages+their own stuff

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We are in process of improving greatly the app connect structure tree loading and saving and restoring its state together with the tab editor.

So this should fix the issue as well.