App Flows do not work when called from Server Connect Success event

Wappler Version : 5.8.1
Operating System : Windows 11
Server Model: Node / Capacitor
Database Type: Postgres
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

App Flow should function like Page Flow and return data from API when used in a Server Connect Success event.

Actual behavior

App Flow does not work in a Success event. I’m only able to get it to work using Auto Run and hard coding a value that I would normally get via a Server Connect call.

How to reproduce

Create an App Flow, add it to a page within a mobile app, and attempt to use it in a Server Connect success event.

Are you on the Beta or Stable channel?
Are there errors in the console?

I’m in beta. There does appear to be an error when App Flow is called from Server Connect Success event.


Then this is an issues with app connect beta, you can switch to the stable channel until this is fixed.

Yep, appears the Stable channel works, but I’m not sure what’s the difference between Beta and Stable. I needed Beta for some of the Capacitor SQLite functions.

Update for the beta: (28.2 KB)

Looks good @patrick. Thanks!

With issues such as this, it’s often useful to simply set a variable on the page and call the required event in the OnUpdated event of the variable. A mi or workaround but always effective

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Fixed in Wappler 5.8.2

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