App Flow actions changing to Unknown Action

Wappler Version : 5.5.3
Operating System : Windows 11
Server Model: Node/capacitor
Database Type: SQLite
Hosting Type: N/A

Expected behavior

The Action shows properly, and data bindings are available.

Actual behavior

The Action is shown as Unknown Action. It used to say “Capacitor SQLite Single Query: input”. There was also an insert action at the bottom of the flow and it has the same issue.

It appears the action (i.e. Capacitor.sqlite.single) is still available in the json file, so not sure what’s causing it to be shown as Unknown Action in the UI.

How to reproduce

It is changing to Unknown Action after restarting Wappler. Watch the video to see me adding a new Action, editing it, saving it, then restarting Wappler. Strangely, the Data Binding always shows Unknown Action, but the key is available for selection.

This has been fixed in Wappler 5.6.0

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