App Connect Page Flow not allowing user to select dynamic values

Wappler Version : v70.0-beta.14
Operating System : Windows 11 / MacOS Sierra
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: PostgreSQL
Hosting Type: local

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

The user should be bale to open the Data Bindings view and select a dynamic binding to include for either a Server connect input or another value within the Page Flow.

Actual behavior

Sometimes the Flow Editor glitches and it won't allow the user to save the edited flow or select a data binding. Rendering the work completely useless unless you exit the Flow Editor and try to redo the entire process again.

How to reproduce

Insert a Server Connect step in Page Flow, select the SC action. The input parameters should now show to allow the user to insert any data binding.

The user tries to insert a data binding by clicking on the green lightning icon however nothing occurs once it's clicked.

Does this happen every time or when a specific selection is made on your page?

Can you also enable the debug logging, reproduce the issue and send us the log back?

I've noticed that it's random. However recently it's happening when I have more than 1 server connect in the same App Connect Page Flow.

What I'm trying to achieve is for the Page Flow to pull data from multiple SC sources and then calculate the final result.

It also seems when the issue occurs it then makes the "Save" button for the Page Flow not work.

@George I can't seem to pull the Debug Logs, however I did reinstall Wappler on a new computer with a new Version (7.0.0 Beta 17) and the data binding value still doesn't allow the user to select dynamic bindings. I tried this in a Page Flow and App Flow, and the result is the same.

I've attached a screen recording on the issue:

It also doesn't allow me to save the App Flow or the Page Flow (16.8 KB)

Attached is the Wappler Log