App connect comments component

As Wappler grows and application get bigger I find myself more and more needing to add comments to pages via app connect in the same way as we can in Server Connect.
After all, how many of us actually produce detailed documentation for every page or later have to spend time working out what we did on a site several months ago?
Now obviously i can add comments to the HTML but it would be really useful to be able to:
1, See comment entered into the html code as a comments component within APP structure view
Or 2. the above above but also be able to add a comment directly via a comment component as we can in server connect.

I know its not a massive issue but it would make coder clarity much better and I guess it’s not a big issue to implement?

Absolutely! We comment everything inherently, incessantly, almost obsessively! Got my vote @Hyperbytes!

This is a very good idea - voted.

As you say, comments can of course be included in the HTML, but there are different kinds of comments - some are best not downloaded and visible in the code. If you’re using PHP, you can of course include comments within <php> tags. This is one solution but won’t work for Node. From a Wappler context, your idea would be very useful.

Then vote my friend!!

This is an old function request: Moving Element in App Structure and DOM Also Move Comment Above

For some reason, the community ignored him. It makes sense to combine these two request into one.

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Absolutely correct @Mr.Rubi, I didn’t even see the last one. They need merging.

<!-- dmx-comment: These must be merged -->


The community often ignores him, tells him he should do things their way, or ridicules his ideas...

I am completely happy to consider myself a blue-sky-thinking, ahead-of-my-time, open-minded genius, whose ideas others may come to accept at a later date!

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Yes, a confession is catching up with you. Looks like you’re luckier than him:



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