I’m having a very weird issue with Dropdown (combobox).
I have a very simple On change action, updating one column of my table. The On change is not firing every time I change the value, very inconsistent…sometime it fires, sometimes not.
I have added dmx-on:changed.debounce:1000, but still not consistent (i.e. not firing the event all the time).
Look this short video with my DevTools open:
It fired one time and then stopped…
I made some tests, removing “database tasks” in the On Change and adding one modal to check if the On Change event is fired every time the value is changed, but it’s not and very inconsistent to record a video and show
Could you provide some examples and explain in more detail what is not working with the components. Are there errors, is it returning incorrect data or are events not triggered.
App Connect 2 will be backwards compatible for the most part, only a few components require an update of the code and that would happen automatically when you update the component. The extension almost out of beta and we are working on the last bug fixes to have a stable version. If there are any issues with updating then please post them in a good bug report so that we can fix those.
Can you post the html of the select that has the issue.
There are several 5 dropdowns connected with each other.
4 of them is disabled and not filled waiting a value from it’s parent.
First one which can be selectable.
After I select a value it fires an action and fills the second dropdown and fill it’s values with related the first dropdown value. Then the second dropdown becomes enabled and goes on to 3 4 5.
The problem is,the second dropdown can not be filled and it is not being updated.
Radio Control Groups
On the other hand, There are 9 control groups and all of them are hidden. When I select a value from my main radio group the correct hidden group should be shown by selection.
But the groups are stays not hidden after selecting a main value and remains open. The system is not functioning correctly.
The charts are not returning any value to the browser. All empty.
I used for repeat to fill the options. Selection send query to server side and the return values by it’s where clause filtered again. (this is for Dropdowns)
This patch is working on dropdowns. Everything backed to normal with this version. Definatelity solves the dropdown problem.
Then I checked charts and they seems working also.
Another problems are;
1 - Radio control groups are remaining opened all. Can not hide and show correctly.
2 - Now I also found another issue that File upload selector can not select files to the memory array. Stays empty. This is also another issue. (Note: I am using dropzone type file selector. Both using drag & drop or by clickling mouse to open the selector, none of those can select the file to the memory. )