API to Braintree / Paypal

We are about to write an integration to payment gateway Braintree (owned by paypal) so we can store and process subscription payments from credit card and paypal through one gateway. We currently do this in bubble.io

I was wanting to get tips and advice on connecting to payment gateways from wappler. If you know of any tutorials or resources please let me know.

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I know that Stripe has been covered before and also Square I believe.

It appears they have a GraphQL api or a drop in payment form. The best thing to do is follow their docs, give it a try and post back on here if you get stuck. It might be easier to start off with their drop in form.

You can check out my SCA compatible Stripe one…

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Thanks Antony. I’m familiar with integrating stripe into other sites using bubble and the wappler way is very useful to understand. I am going to integrate Braintree with the first wappler site as I need both credit card and paypal and it’s more widely used by large ecommerce sites (here in Australia anyway) and it’s significantly cheaper when handling large amounts of $$