API Form submitting name of element with param

I have an API Form in a static site
On submitting the form the param is passed as value of text field + name of the element + value
What am i doing wrong

 <form id="form1" is="dmx-api-form" action=
" dmx-on:done="run({alert:{message:`form1.status +\'status\'`}})" 
                    <input id="text1" name="text1" type="text" class="form-control">
                    <button id="btn2" class="btn" type="submit">Button</button>

if text input has value ‘abc’
it is being passed to the api as
instead of

what am i doing wrong here ?

It’s not really clear to me what exactly are you doing, especially when your form code is missing.
What, how and where are you passing exactly?

Sorry have edited the original post to include the full form code. Its a form with one text input and one button(submit) . For eg if text input is “abc” then On pressing the button the api is being called with the param value as ?name=abctext1=abc instead of ?name=abc

Seems there is a bug when both form is setting query parameters and there are dynamic parameters. For your specific case just remove the dmx-param:name attribute and rename the input to name.

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If the input type is email there seem to be no problems if the input type is text there is this double value problem. Thanks for your help

Fixed in Wappler 4.6.3

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