API Connections

The question is how to solve this.

I was thinking about this, and maybe the following could work:

Let the community select and vote for the most desirable APIs/services to connect to and implement support for those.

Then, with time, add support for more APIs (just like Zapier, Piesync, Integromat and others do).

And finally, for all the other APIs, add a generic connector, so at least it will be possible to connect with services that don’t demand more specific setup.

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As i see it
best solution is to make the developer type the parameters names and types then wappler save and use that as the meta data so the developer can edit the meta when needed.

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I think we got the API meta data generation nicely covered already :slight_smile: will post workflow and screenshots in separate topic


this looks very good.
If apis and routes are the future of wappler, I already consider the wappler as the definitive tool for development.

I’m very happy about it!

wappler is opening up a new world. @George @patrick @Teodor really really thank you very much


You can check it out at:


@George that looks amazing ! I guess with elastic.io alot of stuff can be connected :smiley::ok_hand:t5:. also it has interesting wizards and interface for its connectors

My god is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. :pray::+1::+1::ok_hand: Congratulations @George


@george , @patric @Teodor THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR API EXTENSION …


Implemented in version 1.5.3 :slight_smile:


Ethan Hunt - Your mission, should you accept it… is to build ANOTHER weather mobile App using the Wappler Geolocate and API extentions.

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We should make a list of topics for weekly challenges- I think we will all learn a lot and have a lot of fun !


I recreated the Unsplash video like the tutorial on DMXZone and it worked perfectly, so about to try some real world stuff. If it works, which I am sure it will then I will only start begging for the server side of this on Tuesday so I do not look too greedy.

@psweb can we use OAUTH2 via this extension ? did you try

Havent tried yet, sorry, will let you know once i do though.

No you can’t use oauth2 with the API Data Source it isn’t a social connector it is a public data retrieval

will you add this feature in next release ?

The API Data Source runs client side with App Connect and there is no point of adding oauth or other security features to it as they require secret keys that you don’t want public in your html code…

We will be adding API connectivity to Server Connect soon and there will be able to handle server side all the security you need


you are powerfull team . thank you again


Hi George, have u guys started working on the POST API connectivity? is it expected anytime soon :slight_smile: ?

I have reviewed the the API data Source, and ATM unable to fulfil my requirements without a POST option. here is my scenario:

  1. I need to make a post request with username and password from a form within wappler.
  2. The response will return a token.
  3. I will use this token by storing in sessions to make all further get Requests.

Unfortunately i was unable to achieve this without a post option app connect side or server connect side. :frowning.

I think it would be nice to have a post option even at client side, as security will not always be a concern, but off course having it at both ends would be perfect.

Kindest regards,
Johnny Hajjar