Allow multiple domains for target

Some of us need to deploy to hosts but allow multiple domains for white-labelling purposes. It is already possible with some tweaks to the docker-compose file as described here:

The problem is that every time a change is made to the target, the docker-compose file is rebuilt and the changes are lost which is highly frustrating and time-consuming to resolve (as well as the raising the likelihood of deploying with the reset version of the file)

Could it be possible to create a list of domains for the target which Wappler uses to create the docker-compose file? :pray:

At a minimum, is there a way of making the changes so they persist?


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Resurrecting this - is there a way to achieve this with resource manager? Or should it remain as a Feature Request?

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Bump @George

Bump - @george - especially if revamping target settings/management in the near future...

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This is now available in Wappler 7 beta 14

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