After a long time using Wappler a few ideas (food for thought)

I know you all just finished version 4 which is amazing and works great, so so fast on my M1 mac, so this is just for future thought, some small things that I think would make daily production faster and smoother.

  1. Detachable tabs, panes, or windows, so if I wanted I could put my tools on monitor a, b or c.

  2. A mini application that can open server actions only from other projects. I spend many ours on the server side, and often refer back to old projects at the actions created in them to get a step or two out of them as reference, I think it would be great if I could do that without switching projects, so if there was a mini Server Actions reader tool, even if only for viewing and nothing more it would be awesome.

  3. A way to bypass API limits, where they only allow 100 rows in a single call, currently I can make one call for the first 100, and then a second call right after for another 100 with a different offset. However I can not merge the 200 results in a single result set. So another Data Transformation for “API Concat Results” would be really helpful.

Maybe some silly ideas for Wappler 5 or something, but just putting it out there.


Or maybe being able to open 2 projects at the same time with a tab system.


This would be my biggest request by far!!!

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Stacking Projects for us, more than one Project per Project directory (ie, multiple Projects in a hierarchical form). With the ability to traverse each Projects root and structure, and communicate between the Projects (yes can do this by selecting the source, we know, we do it for Mobile etc). Doubt will ever happen though.

I think we built a custom formatter for this @sid can check with our team and update about it.

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this one: Draggable / Sortable Elements

and work through the top 10 feature requests of which the above is one


@psweb Will send you the formatter which we are using in a project to merge arrays.

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