Draggable / Sortable Elements

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

The total is a little disappointing. I suppose it’s because the same people voted for both requests (I was hoping that might be overlooked). Merging it with @mgaussie’s request would help.

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Not sure how discourse handles the totals when merging topics, maybe it doesn’t sum them - but this shouldn’t be worrying you. Sortable component integration is already one of the higher priority features we are looking into.


Will it have the ability to remember sort order?

For example my dashboard homepage has many Bootstrap Blocks. Some staff may want to organize them so the ones they use are closer to the top. Will it then remember that ordering so the next time they login it will be just as they left it?

Brad, whatever the drag/reorder/sort extension will be it will provide you with the option to call any dynamic event on sort/drag/reorder so you will be able to store the order in a session, local storage, cookie, database.
It will just allow you to make some elements draggable, and then you can do whatever yo like with the order via dynamic events.

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Will we be able to order free beer with it? If not it’s a total flop. No amount of votes can fix that.


Is this planned for anytime soon or will this be a while still? Would just like to know wether its worth waiting a little or going for the custom code solution by t11


Implementing the t11 method, but disappointed this has not been implemented yet as a low code solution.

Added my vote, cheers!


Just waking this one up again… are we any closer :hugs:

If I say pretty please does it help.


Still hoping…

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73 votes and 2 years since requested. Still hoping…


Until this is implemented, this seems quite easy to use https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula

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Not that easy to integrate with Wappler. Would be far better if it was added! The demand for dynamic-tables and draggable interface elements is growing so lets hope the Wappler team are still listening :neutral_face:



The last part

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One more bump!

I do not understand why this topic is still active. The feature has been part of Wappler for over a year.


Thanks Ben… That is great… thanks for you video tutorial… this will do… i guess i was looking for a “build in solution within wappler” but your tutorial is awesome thanks for doing it…

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Has anyone built a kanban style board using Wappler sortable elements?
Each column list contains group by (e.g. Stage) and then dragged into the next column to update the stage.

e.g. https://codepen.io/ettrics/pen/QbPEeg/


As someone else has asked, is it possible to do something like Kanban or Trello by doing it the way you show?

I want to be able to have 2+ lists and be able to sort between them.


Any notice??