AC Beta bug -- Dynamic class not added when using browser component


Wappler Version : 4.73 BETA
Operating System : mac
Server Model: node
Database Type:
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

When adding a dynamic class to an internal navigation link, the class should be added

Actual behavior

The class is not added.

This bug does NOT impact the stable channel.

How to reproduce

Create a series of nav links using a dynamic class…for example:

 <a href="#" class="btn text-light text-start ps-5 lh-sm sidebar_main_btn" id="btn_companies" dmx-on:click="browser1.goto('/records/companies',true,'Companies')" dmx-class:sidebar_link_active="browser1.location.pathname == '/records/companies'">Companies</a>
 <a href="#" class="btn text-light text-start ps-5 lh-sm sidebar_main_btn" id="btn_contacts" dmx-on:click="browser1.goto('/records/contacts',true,'Contacts')" dmx-class:sidebar_link_active="browser1.location.pathname == '/records/contacts'">Contacts</a>
 <a href="#" class="btn text-light text-start ps-5 lh-sm sidebar_main_btn" id="btn_produtos" dmx-on:click="browser1.goto('/records/products',true,'Products')" dmx-class:sidebar_link_active="browser1.location.pathname == '/records/products'">Products</a>

The class will be added on page load of the current page as desired, but it will not change upon nav to another link. However it I put the browser in the background, and return, then class will then be applied.

Please try this update (1.6 KB)

Thanks Patrick, that takes care of it.

Update is included in Wappler 4.8.0