A request for help

Hey All,

AC2 has been in development since at least the middle of last year, and it feels like it is very close to getting over the finish line.

The performance improvements are significant, so I for one am anxious to get AC2 polished and in production.

My ask…Spend time using it to help the team find any remaining bugs. I suspect it will help the team greatly, as I’m sure they would like to get this out the door as well!

So along with praising the team for recent work, consider helping them bring AC2 to everybody.

If everybody spends time verifying their projects, I’m sure the team will respond with a updates so we can close out this chapter with a positive release.


I’m toying with biting the bullet myself right now, mainly after that wonderful PDF creator release. I have complex (for me) APIs and set ups so it’s been a subject I’ve given a lot of thought to. I saw George mention in another thread that Beta was very stable in its current form so your post here came at the right time.

I’m going to sleep on it but right now I’ll be looking to move over to Beta in the morning…


Great! AC2 is a change to App connect on the front end…it does not impact your API’s nor library workflows.


I’ve just seen theres still an active bug on the AC2 Dropzone setting the file.dataURL as NULL. I’m using a number of dropzones so I geuss I’ll have to wait till that’s sorted.

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So this is kinda my point…if everybody waits until all the current bugs are fixed, the team will feel everything is well, and push to Stable. It really needs community participation to find unknown bugs, while they work on those that are known.

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We are running AC2 across our Projects. Really happy with everything. Like others we have many complex Actions and API integrations (with thousands of Users who are always eager to report problems to us, and none to report in weeks now). All working as they should be. The only issues we did have were with some local storage like Data Store and Cookies which are all working fine now. Very very happy.




Still finding and reporting bugs related with ac2 and mobile/desktop environment.
Would be nice that someone else search them too.

I’ll focus on that on weekend.


I agree.

I have had all my projects on Beta for a long time now and I can say it is pretty solid. Any bugs that did pop up were usually solved with an updated file from Patrick within a day.

Better to switch now when you can still switch back then to wait until you have no choice. The team has done a remarkable job with backward compatibility. My main project was built in 2019 and works great on beta channel.


thanks for that @George - its a big help. Hopefully I’ll be biting the bullet in the morning :slight_smile:

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Just to chime in, I would agree to make a back up of your files/database and then jump in.

While most of my work is not as advanced as others that use Wappler, when I do have an issue it does get addressed very quickly.

The Wappler team does their best to test everything they can, but face it, we are all developers and/or coders and we can come up with situations or scenarios that they had not thought about.

The more people actively testing the beta channel equals the quicker it can be released as stable and free up the Wappler team to continue doing other things – like making a Wappler module that will read my mind and do all the work for me without me lifting a finger! :slight_smile:


I’ll give AC2 a try again this week. Thanks to Keith and Antony for being the supreme beta testers that helped squash a ton of bugs in the beginning that made me rollback to AC1 :slight_smile: (I was still learning front-end so I couldn’t run into issues)

I think it’s a pity that once v6 was released, it was no longer possible to run v5 and v6. I imagine this is because it wouldn’t be feasible to support two versions or perhaps there was a technical reason. I expect there are quite a few Wappler users who would be happy to spend time trying out v6, as long as they didn’t have to abandon v5.

There seems to be some confusion here, people can use v6 with v5 features, there’s no feature breaking unless you opt-in to use the Beta extensions (here referred to as AC2)


yes but at some point (near future) the beta will become stable
So, whatever version you work on, the AC2 will be standard
Is this correct @Apple ?


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Perhaps not so much confusion as lack of confidence in this being correct.

I went from V5 to V6 in a complex project with no issues at all. The backwards compatibility is excellent in my opinion. I only experienced issues when I tried moving over to AC2 beta so reverted back to AC1. I won’t t move again until after AC2 stable is released.

Thanks - that’s reassuring. Having used Wappler from the very beginning and had issues when updating (sometimes quite serious), I’m perhaps over-cautious. I’m looking forward to using v6 (having set it up on a Hyper-V drive to at least look at it), but will probably wait until I don’t have to choose between stable/beta and experimental features - and wonder what will happen when I chose to update all the files.

As I said, I think it’s a pity the ability to run v5 and v6 was removed so early. (And better still if it were never removed.)

You can safely switch to Wappler 6 as there are no breaking changes. Then you can also start testing the beta channel to avoid surprises later on.