I want to make use of the new features with the json field to store category IDs instead of a separate many-to-many table which is how I would normally do it. But I just can’t find the documentation for this and so am struggling to set it up properly.
Is there a doc page I’ve not found or can someone give me a quick bullet list on how to do this please?
Thanks Patrick.
I’d already found that and gone through it all but it seemed to not cover everything. I’m trying it all again now.
One thing, and this might be a bug, but when I create a field and set it as ‘json’, it gets changed to ‘text’:
Also, what’s the method in the API for receiving the data from the Tagify input field? I think I’m unable to work with this because the field keeps switching back to ‘text’ instead of ‘json’ (see previous post with screenshot).