Work on new Wappler website build to replace current Dreamweaver site

I want to create a folder on a remote site so I can upload my new wappler site. So the client can review it before we replace his old dreamweaver site.
I have used www…/newsite/ in the past and once approved by client I would replace the entire site with the new website but unsure how to do it in the Wappler environment!

FTP bit is easy, you just need to ensure that the Remote directory points to (may need a /html_docs/ or similar between the depending on server configuration.
However ensure links are relative, not from site root as that will not be the same when using a sub directory.
If you server provider allows it, i prefer to create a sub domain something like which gets around that issue.
Don’t forget about Mysql settings which may need changing also

Awesome thanks for your help