Wondering When Server Action Bugs Will Be Fixed

There are mulitple bugs in Server Actions which I reported in this mammouth (unlisted) conversation a week ago, and I’m now finding other users are getting very confused about too, so I’d love an update on when these issues are expected to be fixed or if they were already fixed in beta 2 or beta 3 (since the release notes don’t list what bugs have been fixed).



Confused user’s post: (@turn3636)

Antony, as i’ve already explained you, one bug report per issue is more than enough.
Answering your question - this specific issue will be fixed in some of the next few betas coming before Wappler 3.0.

Once again - unlisted topic does not mean ignored bug report … :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update Teodor!

Will the post about the release specify that the bug has been fixed? Because to know that will allow me to start using the menu system with more confidence again! :slight_smile:

Yes it will specify that the bug has been fixed.

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